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Amy's Strict Doctor Page 5
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Page 5
She could only look at him.
“As for the matter of the practice test you missed,” he said, turning a page in his agenda. “How about if we spend some more time preparing and plan on taking it in two weeks’ time? By then, you should be fully prepared for it.”
He was giving her more time than he should and she knew it. “Thank you, professor. I think that will work out fine.” And she swore to herself that she’d never give him a reason to stand her in the corner.
“Good,” Professor Brown said. “Is there anything else, Cade?” he asked.
“I don’t think so. Amy?”
“No, sir,” she said, not sure to whom she referred with that ‘sir.’
The professor stood and reached out a hand to shake first Cade’s, then hers. When he took her hand in his, he cupped it with his other hand as well, making her look up at him. “I believe in you and am proud of you. I hope you feel the same about yourself.”
She smiled a genuine smile at his warmth. “Thank you.”
* * *
Cade dropped Amy off at The Urban Cycle, her parents’ bicycle shop, a few miles from home. The shop had been in her dad’s family for several generations and she and her sister, Robin, both worked there.
“Hey,” Robin said when she walked in, smiling as she handed a customer his receipt. “How did it go?” she asked once they were alone.
Amy set her purse down behind the counter. “Fine. A little embarrassing, but fine.”
Robin smiled. “Embarrassing, how?” she asked.
Amy looked at her older sister, just imagining what she would think if she ever found out what Cade had made her do, what he’d done to her, how he’d taken her temperature, how he’d made her stand in the corner with her bottom on display, how he’d spanked her bottom after she bared it herself for her punishment. How he’d just given her professor permission to stand her in the corner when he deemed it necessary. The thought made her flush in embarrassment but at the same time, made her sex throb.
And there was something else. They were going to play doctor. It made Amy both nervous and giddy at once. Cade was going to examine her tonight when they got home. He had told her so just before dropping her off, just as she’d been about to step from the car.
“I hope you’ll be ready for your checkup this evening, Mrs. Hollister,” he’d said.
She had been taken completely by surprise.
“It will be a very thorough one.”
He had then handed her a small bag and told her to bring it to her appointment that night. When she’d looked inside it, she’d seen a butt plug, one similar to the last one he’d used but slightly larger. It was at the bottom of her purse now.
She swallowed, sure the flush of heat had turned her face bright red.
“Hello? Earth to Amy… embarrassing, how?” Robin asked.
“Oh, nothing,” Amy said, realizing her sister was waiting for an answer.
“Was Cade acting like your daddy again?” she asked, winking, grinning a mischievous grin.
Amy turned away. “Shut up!”
“Oh, come on, sis, spill! He’s kinky as fuck, isn’t he?” she asked, forcing Amy to look at her. “I mean, he can be a little anal at times but he’s hot and I would bet my bottom dollar he’s kinky. I’ve always suspected it and I’m usually right on!”
Amy eyed her sister whom she knew meant well. Robin liked Cade very much, Amy knew it. Robin didn’t have a steady relationship. She dated. A lot. Still trying with guys for her parents’ sake more than anything else. Robin had come out to Amy a few months ago but she was still uncomfortable talking about it and Amy wanted to respect her boundaries and give her space and a safe place to talk—when she was ready to talk. She hadn’t finished college and worked at their parents’ shop full time with no foreseeable career goals in sight. But their parents always encouraged both of them to work at the shop. They would inherit the business in time and with shops around the country, the business brought in a very nice amount of money. Amy had never wanted that though. She wanted more. She wanted to work with teenage kids. She wanted to make those years easier for them in some way. She had nothing to complain about, growing up had been fun, easy, if not exactly filled with emotion or attention from her parents. Many people had much bigger problems than she had and she wasn’t about to start whining about being the poor little rich girl.
“Come on, let me live vicariously through you, sis! I never seem to have luck when it comes to meeting people!”
“Oh, please. Live vicariously through me! We’re just a boring married couple,” she said, having to clear her throat at the lie.
“M-hmm, I see the way he looks at you. It’s like you’re a juicy piece of meat and he’s starved. And if anyone ever missed that, there’s all the touching, the spanking!”
“Spanking?” Amy asked, shocked. Did she know?
Robin paused, narrowing her eyes. Shit, she didn’t know a thing. At least not until that very moment. “Is that it? Is that his kink?” she teased, her grin growing wide. “He likes to spank you?”
“I’m going to have to have a better look at his hands next time,” she said more to herself than anyone else.
Just then the bell over the shop door rang as a couple came inside.
“You are so saved by the bell!” Robin whispered. “I want details later!”
“Make your own details!” Amy threw back, walking into the backroom but not before sticking her tongue out at her sister when the customers had their backs to her.
Robin managed to keep her face level throughout.
Chapter Four
Cade went home early to prepare the office there. One of the reasons they had chosen this house was because of the medical office already built as an attachment to the house. It had an entrance from both inside the house and a separate one for patients to use from outside. He hoped one day to be able to start his own practice from home. That time wasn’t coming anytime soon, but he’d be ready when it did.
In the examining room, he adjusted the table to Amy’s height and set up some equipment on the tray nearby. He prepared a gown for her to wear, one that would likely make her feel even more naked to wear it than if she were fully naked. He made some notes, deciding what he was going to do and, after checking his watch, he left to pick her up. Amy normally drove herself to work, but with their appointment this morning, it had been more convenient to just drop her off.
But when he got to the shop, he found the doors already locked and two customers walking away after trying the door. He double-checked his watch, wondering if he was late. No, he wasn’t. The shop should have been open for another half hour but the lights were out and the sign read closed. He fished his phone out of his pocket to dial her as he walked back to his car but just as he hit ‘call,’ he looked up to find Amy and her sister walking back toward the shop from the bar across the street, both of them giggling. Cade ended the call, pushed the phone back into his pocket, and leaned against the car, folding his arms across his chest. He waited for them, noticing how they ran across at the red light rather than waiting for the green, earning themselves a screaming horn as a car slammed on his brakes just before they made it to the curb.
Cade forced in a breath, his mouth tightening into a thin line. He watched as the two girls giggled and ran toward the shop. He then watched as his wife’s face changed when she caught sight of him waiting there.
“Hey, honey,” he said, still leaning against the car.
“Cade,” she said, her eyes wide, one hand reaching for her butt instinctively.
“Close early?” he asked.
Robin laughed. “Are you checking up on us?” she asked.
“I came to pick up my wife, and see my sister-in-law,” he said. He looked at his watch. “How are you, Robin?” He liked Amy’s sister, she was friendly and, like Amy, sweet. It’s just neither Robin nor Amy had ever been held accountable for their actions, had never been taken to task.
/> “I’m all right,” she said. “Hey, don’t get mad at Amy. It was my idea to close early and have a drink. We had a lot to talk about. And before you ask, we only had one. One!” She laughed.
He smiled. “You all right to get yourself home or do you need a ride?” he asked, coming closer, close enough to smell her breath and make sure she wasn’t drunk.
“I had exactly one beer and I’m meeting a friend for dinner in twenty minutes right over there,” she said, pointing to the Mexican place a few shops down.
“All right. Have a good dinner then,” he said. “Call a cab if you need a ride later.”
“Yes, sir!” she said, saluting. She turned to hug Amy. “Have fun! Maybe you’ll even get a spanking out of it!” he heard her tease.
Amy’s face was bright red when her sister walked away and she looked at Cade.
“Why did she make that comment?” he asked.
Amy exhaled and shook her head. “Because she’s Robin and she’s crazy. And,” she said, walking toward him to give him a kiss, “she thinks you must be kinky.”
He raised an eyebrow. “If only she knew,” he said, reaching down to kiss her on her forehead. “How many did you have?” he asked, his tone more stern.
“One…” she glanced away. “Two beers.”
“Lying?” he asked, shaking his head in disappointment.
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again, exhaling, deflated. “We just closed a few minutes early.”
“Half an hour early at least,” he said. “You think it was ok to do? To close your parents’ shop early to go to a bar? And what about the running across the street when you didn’t have the right of way?”
She bit her lip and exhaled. It took her a minute before she turned to look up at him, her eyes wide, her expression expectant. “No, sir,” she said.
He nodded. “In the car, Amy.”
She looked like she wanted to ask a question, was about to, but stopped. Instead, she followed him as he opened the passenger side door and she climbed inside silently, remaining quiet for the whole ride until they pulled into the garage. There, he killed the engine and turned to her. She sat waiting as if knowing her fate.
“You had a doctor’s appointment tonight, but instead of that, I think you’ll be spending some time in the corner and then over my knee. First there was the lie. That I will absolutely not tolerate. Closing up your parents’ shop early and going to the bar was irresponsible and trying to outrun a car was, quite frankly, stupid.” He had more to say because all along the ride home, he’d been thinking about what she’d done and had grown more angry about it, but he shut his mouth and took a breath instead. “I want you to go into my office, into the examining room, take off all your clothes but for your panties, just like you did the other day, and find a corner to stand in, nose touching the wall, this time with your hands clasped at the back of your head. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
He nodded. “Go ahead. You have exactly ten minutes to be in position.”
* * *
Yes, sir.
Amy’s heart pounded as she said those two words. She stared up at her husband, at this man whom she had known for little over a year, whom she loved and trusted absolutely, and the expression in his eyes, the disappointment there, the slight shaking of his head, just made her want to cry. He was right about everything. Closing up early wasn’t ok, especially if the reason for it was to go get a drink. And then when they’d run across the street with the intent of annoying the driver in the approaching car, that was just stupid. At least he didn’t know what their intention had been when they’d done it. She hoped not anyway.
Cade raised an eyebrow and she lowered her gaze to the floor before turning to go. With heavy legs and a nervous stomach, she walked toward the door that led to the attached office. They were going to play doctor tonight. But instead, she’d screwed up and she was going to be punished. She switched on the light to the waiting room and wiped away a tear, disappointed in herself.
Making her way through to the examining room, she opened the door and switched on the light there. It was bright but there was no avoiding that. At least in the bedroom, when she’d been naked and standing in the corner, the light was softer, more forgiving. Although at 5′5″ and 115 pounds, she wasn’t at all heavy, but she had an ample bottom. A gift from her mother’s side. She and Robin both had it, small breasts, a tiny waist but nicely rounded hips. Cade always said he loved it, loved the look of her ass. Although she never quite believed him, it didn’t bother her until now, when he’d come in to find her in the corner, awaiting chastisement, her bare bottom on display to the room.
So why, knowing she was to be punished, was her clit suddenly throbbing?
She glanced up at the clock. She’d wasted three minutes already. Moving to stand behind the privacy screen, not sure why she did that at all, she stripped off her clothes, taking her time with her sweater and skirt, removing her bra, and stepping out of her shoes. She had worn pretty coral lacy boy-shorts for panties today. At least they covered more of her bottom than a thong would but really, it didn’t matter either way. They would only serve to accentuate her bottom when they were lowered to the tops of her thighs as they soon would be.
As she walked to the far corner, wishing there was one in the shadows, she remembered how when he’d last spanked her, he’d asked her to lower her panties herself once she had been in position. She wondered if he’d do the same tonight. The idea of it, of baring herself for punishment, of lying prone to take it, titillated her, and as she settled into her corner, she felt the moisture collect on the inside of her panties, felt it smear along her inner thighs as she lowered them slowly to bare her bottom and present it to the yet empty room. The most difficult part of this was when she raised her hands to clasp them at the back of her head.
She looked up at the clock on the wall. Four minutes left. She had four minutes to stand and wait, to fully appreciate the shame of her current circumstances.
But when the door opened and she heard Cade’s footsteps, all the arousal cooled and the only feeling left was embarrassment. Embarrassment at having earned another spanking, embarrassment at standing nearly naked with her nose touching the wall, her hands at the back of her head, and her bare bottom displayed to the room.
“Where is your purse?” Cade asked.
She knew not to turn around, and, with her nose touching the wall, she answered. “It’s behind the privacy screen with my clothes.”
“Is the plug inside it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Is it all right if I get it out of your bag?”
“Yes, sir.” She appreciated that he had asked. He respected her privacy, always, just as she did his.
She heard him walking around, heard him unzip her bag and re-zip it after, she assumed, taking the plug. It was silent for a few moments before she heard the switch of a lamp. She hoped it was the one at his desk rather than over the examining table. She then heard water running, which she found strange.
But she didn’t have long to think on it because next, she heard his footsteps approach her and she tensed, swallowing, her eyes growing wide as they stared at flat white paint, her palms growing sweaty behind her head.
“How does it feel having your bottom on display like this?” he began, pushing her panties down just a little lower before leaning his back against the wall she faced. “Having me walk in to find you standing in the corner with your hands at the back of your head, your bare bottom on display, knowing you’re about to be spanked?”
“Embarrassed,” she managed, her voice sounding small.
“Well, things are about to get a whole lot more embarrassing,” he said, walking back into the room. “Come here, Amy,” he said. “Keep your hands where they are until you’re instructed otherwise and whatever you do, do not drop your panties.”
She turned and walked toward the examining table, shuffling more than walking to keep her panties in place. Standing by
the tray, he watched her, keeping his eyes on hers all along, making her feel even more vulnerable and exposed. When she was a few feet from him, she stopped.
“Do you know what this is?” he asked, picking up a bulbous thing with a three and a half inch nozzle.
“No, sir,” she said.
“Hold out your hands.”
She did and he placed the thing on them. It was full, the bulb warm and heavy with what she assumed was the water she had heard running, and she suddenly suspected just what it was and just what he intended to do with it.
“It’s an anal douche,” he said.
She only stared up at him while he allowed her time to absorb his words, a sinking feeling in her belly making her hands tremble.
“You’re going to take it inside you, as well as the plug, and hold it while you spend the next half hour in the corner thinking about your actions and where they’ve landed you. You’ll then be allowed to use the bathroom before I spank your bare bottom.”
He only raised his eyebrow.
“Go ahead and take your panties off and climb up onto the table. You can lie on your back, Amy,” he said, taking the douche from her.
Slowly, she slid her panties down over her thighs and dropped them onto the floor. She stepped out of them and then bent to pick them up, looking at him when she righted herself again. “Where should I put them?”
“On my desk.”
She went to place them on his desk, noticing for the first time the long wooden paddle there. She looked at it for a moment before returning to the table and hoisting herself up to sit. The paper crunched beneath her as she did and she realized he’d prepared it for her as he would any other patient. She lay back on the cushioned seat and waited, unsure what to do with her hands so she clasped them nervously on her lap.